Sunday, January 24, 2010

Desk Fan Is A Desk Fan Expensive To Run?

Is a desk fan expensive to run? - desk fan

I have a desk fan 12 "At night I run, when it is hot, make a big difference in my electric bill?


raja said...

Find out how to perform research or to the rear of the residence, where you should have a rated voltage (whether in the United Kingdom of 230-240 volts) and current rating, which can be found in amps, multiply, and all of their energy needs as a fan 1A, should be 230 * 1 = 230 watts to 1000 watts per hour, cost about 8.12 per cent to your electricity supplier, which should give you an exact cost of the time your desk fan.
Or do you have a power line, which tells you how many watts consumed per hour in the fan.

william said...

No ....

True Brit said...

My husband, an electrician, as running costs for our 25-watt fan table in less than 2 pence per ten hours.

weezyb said...

I have not noticed a big difference, sometimes two runs. If you're worried, stop, just a light in a certain number have every night.

tqpinkla... said...

If you think a day 4cent

mountain... said...

I doubt you will notice any difference. Selection of AC heating, electricity and water power are the main users of electricity. After these, the electric light, television and computers.

jayktee9... said...

Look at the base or back to the board, if 50 watts will cost about 12 pence per 20 hours. Other powers 10hours/75 share .- 100 watts watts = 15 hours, etc.

rann_geo... said...

There must be a sticker on the back of the fan that tells you the wattage.

See the website below. It carries a portable fan 110 watts. I think a small fan, and it should take no longer than 35 50.

They make a device that is about 20 to 40 kg, which consumed at the wall and then have everything we want to measure and show you the amps and watts.

rydahdie... said...

really not much at all, I sleep with my fan all night, and really make a difference in my bill.

rydahdie... said...

really not much at all, I sleep with my fan all night, and really make a difference in my bill.

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